Our amazing counselors help our studetns GROW every day! We appreciate everything they do for our staff and students.
about 1 hour ago, Central Elementary School
What's going on around Central? Find out in the most recent installment of our ROAR Report: https://secure.smore.com/n/tfhp2
about 5 hours ago, Central Elementary School
ROAR Report
Kindergarten Registration is open! If you need help, please visit the Wildcat Resource Center (308 Hawthorne Dr. Union, MO 63084) the evening of Thursday, February 13 from 5:00-7:00 pm. District personnel will be there to assist with questions, document scanning, and help completing applications. Please visit the Kindergarten Registration page for more information about the registration process: https://www.unionrxi.org/page/kindergarten-registration #Uproud
2 days ago, Union R-XI School District
K help
This week we recognize our amazing school counselors who go above and beyond for our students each and every day. Thank you, school counselors! You all are amazing. #Uproud
2 days ago, Union R-XI School District
school counselor
Save the date for our sweetheart dances next week!
6 days ago, Central Elementary School
sweetheart dances
Are you ready for the Super Bowl!? Here's a fun spirit week to get everyone excited for the big game!
7 days ago, Central Elementary School
Super Bowl week!
Elementary parents/guardians... check out this awesome opportunity hosted by East Central College on Friday, 2/14. Friendly reminder, there is NO school on Friday, 2/14. #Uproud
8 days ago, Union R-XI School District
Good morning, #unionrxi: Our school district is dedicated to creating a positive experience for all whom we serve. As such, we’d love for you to spend a few minutes answering some questions about your experience in our school district. This short survey has been created to help our district with our focus on continuous improvement. A similar survey has been shared with our staff along with our students, grades 4-12. The survey will close on Friday, 1/31/25. If you have children in multiple buildings, please select one building to complete the survey on. In other words, you only need to do the survey once. HOWEVER, if you would like to do a survey on each building for each of your children, you are more than welcome to do more than one survey. Here is the survey link: https://tinyurl.com/unionrxiparentsurvey Thank you for your time and input!
9 days ago, Union R-XI School District
This week was extra fun around the building! Motor Lab in kindergarten, root beer float paw party, math fun with measurement and even a New Year celebration!
12 days ago, Central Elementary School
Did you know it was recently national 4th grader day?! Some of our fourth graders celebrated big!
13 days ago, Central Elementary School
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
ATTN K-2 Students:- it's the last day to pre-order a book for the author visit tomorrow!
14 days ago, Central Elementary School
Aaron Wills
Reminder that volleyball tryouts are happening this week!
15 days ago, Central Elementary School
Good afternoon, #unionrxi families: With extremely cold temperatures expected the next two mornings, we’d like to emphasize the importance of layering and proper dress to keep students warm; especially those students who will be waiting at bus stops. With temperatures this low in the morning, please try to limit exposure as well as keep as much of your student’s skin covered as possible. Additionally, though we will do everything we can to ensure buses are running on schedule the next couple mornings, buses may run slightly slower as pick-ups could be delayed due to students waiting in vehicles or homes prior to their pick-up. Thank you for your help in keeping our students warm and safe and here’s to a wonderful upcoming week. #Uproud
16 days ago, Union R-XI School District
Check out our Girls on the Run program!
18 days ago, Central Elementary School
Deadline for Kindergarten Registration is March 1st!
20 days ago, Central Elementary School
There is no school on Monday, 1/20/25 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day #Uproud
20 days ago, Union R-XI School District
Find out what's happening around Central in this week's ROAR Report: https://secure.smore.com/n/e5pug
20 days ago, Central Elementary School
ROAR Report
We just love having authors at Central! Aaron Wills will be here next week to share his story with K-2 students! More information coming home with those students.
21 days ago, Central Elementary School
Aaron Wills!
Let's help out the Franklin County Sheriff's Office!
21 days ago, Central Elementary School
Tonight is the night! If you have a student interested in playing volleyball be sure to attend.
22 days ago, Central Elementary School
Parent Meeting