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Early Childhood Special Education
The Early Childhood Special Education Program (ECSE) is a free and public service provided by the Union R-XI School District and services children who are three-years to kindergarten age with educationally disabling conditions.
The Early Childhood Special Education Program seeks to identify disabilities and delays as well as strengths for children. To be eligible for the program, children must meet specific guidelines and criteria based on screening and evaluation procedures. The services provided by the Union R-XI Early Childhood Special Education Program include assessment personnel, classroom teachers, speech therapists, clerical staff, occupational and physical therapists, paraprofessionals, and a nurse. Consultant services for hearing impaired, visually impaired students are also available.
Children with disabling conditions are those who demonstrate significant delays in one or more of these areas:
Physical Development (fine and gross motor skills)
Cognitive functioning
Adaptive behavior (self-care skills)
Rate of learning and/or
Social/emotional development
If you have developmental concerns for your child in one or more of the areas listed above, you can make a referral for a Special Education evaluation by calling the Student Services Resource Center at 636-584-0157
ECSE offers a half-day of services Monday through Thursday, and/or itinerant services.
AM Session is 7:30-10:30 and the PM Session is 11:30 - 2:30.
Transportation is available for most students who qualify for the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program. A transportation form will be completed as part of your child’s IEP and enrollment forms. If you have questions regarding transportation for Early Childhood Special Education, please contact First Student at (636) 239-1429 and speak with Suzanne Highley. If your child is going to be absent, please call and let First Student know ahead of time so they do not make an unnecessary trip.