College & Career Counselors
Philip Giacomelli College & Career Advisor
(last names A-K)

Sarah Hurt College & Career Advisor
(last names L-Z)

Students and Families:
Welcome to the College & Career Center! Our goal is to assist students in developing and carrying out individualized, well-informed post-graduation plans. Though the majority of our graduates choose to pursue a 2- or 4-year degree, we are eager to help no matter the plans being considered. We tackle everything from career exploration, to college applications and financial aid, to connecting students to military recruiters, and more.
Beginning their Senior year, all students will meet one-on-one with their advisor. Any student or family, regardless of the year in school, may request an appointment at any time.
To request an appointment, email your Advisor or stop by the College & Career Center.
The College & Career Center is made possible by partnerships with rootEd Missouri.