Check out November's lunch menu.
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
Check out November's lunch menu.
Join us for our costume parade at Prairie Dell Elementary October 31st at 1:00pm. Parade and then fall parties to follow.
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
Join us for our costume parade at Prairie Dell Elementary  October 31st at 1:00pm. Parade and then fall parties to follow.
Just a reminder that parent/teacher conferences are tomorrow October 25th from 3:15-7:15 and October 26th from 3:15-5:15. Please set up a time with your child's teacher.
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
Just a reminder that parent/teacher conferences are tomorrow October 25th from 3:15-7:15 and October 26th from 3:15-5:15. Please set up a time with your child's teacher.
This week is parent teacher conference week! Also, friendly reminder, we do not have school on Friday, Oct. 27 and Monday, Oct. 30. Have a great week, #unionrxi!
about 1 year ago, Union R-XI School District
no school
Check out today's episode of Prairie Dell Network News.
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
Check out today's episode of Prairie Dell Network News.
Next week is Red Ribbon Week. Our dress up days are as follow; Monday: Proud to be drug free red day. Tuesday: Peace out to drugs tie dye day. Wednesday: Too bright for drugs neon day. Thursday: Team up against drugs Wildcat spirit day.
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
Next week is Red Ribbon Week. Our dress up days are as follow; Monday: Proud to be drug free red day. Tuesday: Peace out to drugs tie dye day. Wednesday: Too bright for drugs neon day. Thursday: Team up against drugs Wildcat spirit day.
Congratulations Prairie Dell Student Council for your 2nd place float in the Homecoming parade.
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
Congratulations Prairie Dell Student Council for your 2nd place float in the Homecoming parade.
Don't forget to check out the Prairie Dell News Network video of the week.
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
Don't forget to check out the Prairie Dell News Network video of the week.
Parent teacher conferences are October 25th from 3:15-7:15 and October 26th from 3:15-5:15. Please set up a time with your child's teacher.
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
Parent teacher conferences are October 25th from 3:15-7:15 and October 26th from 3:15-5:15. Please set up a time with your child's teacher.
Here are some great pictures of the 3rd grade field trip to the Shaw Nature Reserve from one of our parents.
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
Here are some great pictures of the 3rd grade field trip from one of our parents.
Here are some great pictures of the 3rd grade field trip from one of our parents.
Here are some great pictures of the 3rd grade field trip from one of our parents.
Here are some great pictures of the 3rd grade field trip from one of our parents.
Here are some great pictures of the 3rd grade field trip from one of our parents.
Here are some great pictures of the 3rd grade field trip from one of our parents.
Here are some great pictures of the 3rd grade field trip from one of our parents.
Here are some great pictures of the 3rd grade field trip from one of our parents.
Here are some great pictures of the 3rd grade field trip from one of our parents.
**Barbie's Dream Homecoming** Friday 10/6 early dismissal All elementary schools will dismiss at 12:00 pm Middle and high school will dismiss at 12:35 pm The parade starts at 2:00 pm #Uproud
about 1 year ago, Union R-XI School District
Today we give thanks to all our wonderful custodial team members who go above and beyond each and every day ensuring our schools are safe and clean! #Uproud
about 1 year ago, Union R-XI School District
We would like to wish our custodial staff a wonderful custodial appreciation day. We appreciate everything you do for us daily.
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
We would like to wish our custodial staff a wonderful custodial appreciation day. We appreciate everything you do for us daily.
Check out the Prairie Dell News Network link button near the top of our website,
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
Check out the Prairie Dell News Network link button near the top of our website,
This week we are excited to have Jennifer Bright, Early Childhood Special Education teacher at Prairie Dell Elementary, as our Wildcat of the Week. Jennifer, thank you for taking the time to share a little information about yourself! #Uproud
about 1 year ago, Union R-XI School District
Next week is Homecoming spirit week with the following spirit days: Monday: wear beach attire, Tuesday: wear pajamas, Wednesday: wear pink, Thursday: career barbie, and Friday: wear red and black.
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
Next week is Homecoming spirit week with the following spirit days: Monday: wear beach attire, Tuesday: wear pajamas, Wednesday: wear pink, Thursday: career barbie, and Friday: wear red and black.
Prairie Dell has started our own news network for our Monday morning announcements. You can check out the broadcast weekly at the bottom of the Prairie Dell Website or at this link.
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
Prairie Dell has started our own news network for our Monday morning announcements. You can check out the broadcast weekly at the bottom of the Prairie Dell Website or at this link.
Yesterday morning the UHS volleyball team greeted our students as they arrived at school.
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
Yesterday morning the UHS volleyball team greeted our students as they arrived at school.
Yesterday morning the UHS volleyball team greeted our students as they arrived at school.
Yesterday morning the UHS volleyball team greeted our students as they arrived at school.
2023 UHS Homecoming 10/06/23! If you would like learn more about this exciting event and review the parade route click the link. If you would like to order a Homecoming t-shirt please click the link below. #Uproud
about 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
If you would like to order a Homecoming t-shirt please click the link below.
PTO is handing out chickens on the last day of our fundraiser. Thank you for all of the support this year.
over 1 year ago, Prairie Dell Elementary
PTO is handing out chickens on the last day of our fundraiser. Thank you for all of the support this year.
PTO is handing out chickens on the last day of our fundraiser. Thank you for all of the support this year.
PTO is handing out chickens on the last day of our fundraiser. Thank you for all of the support this year.
PTO is handing out chickens on the last day of our fundraiser. Thank you for all of the support this year.