Bike Drive distribution day is Sunday, October 9th from 8am-noon at Central Elementary. Anyone (young or old) who wants a bike can come and get one for FREE while supplies last. No sign up needed!
The Union Highschool Men's soccer team came to greet our students today. Always great to see our former students.
Prairie Dell has the best custodians and we can't thank them enough. Happy national custodians day!
Prairie Dell Stuco decorating and ready for the parade
Please remember that the cookie dough fundraiser orders and money are due Monday, October 3rd.
Tomorrow is the homecoming parade so wear your red and black. Tomorrow is also a half day and we will be releasing at noon.
The high school girls volleyball team came to greet Prairie Dell students today.
Friday early dismissal for Homecoming, 9/30
All elementary schools will dismiss at 12:00 pm
Middle and high school will dismiss at 12:35 pm
The parade starts at 2:00 pm
Go Wildcats!
Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to turn in your chicken coupons.
Friday is the last day to receive Chickens for the cookie dough fundraiser. Everyone is doing an excellent job selling cookie dough.
Thank you to all of the wonderful substitutes that help us throughout the school year. We could not do it without you.
Next Tuesday and Thursday are more opportunities to receive your chickens for selling cookie dough.
We will have our 2nd PTO meeting Wednesday at 5pm.
Check out our WIldcat of the Week. Andy Vancil, maintenance team.
Meet our student council representatives
The first Girls On The Run practice was a success.
Happy birthday to Miss Furey
Today kicks off our PTO cookie dough fundraiser for the 2022-23 school year. please see the attached video for more information.
This year PDE is implementing buddy groups, where the older grades are buddying up with the lower grades for some learning and fun.
Kindergarten is working with Cubelet robotic blocks this week in Technology/STEM class.