Vote April 8, 2025
Vote April 8, 2025

I love building relationships with the kids. I enjoy that many confide in me and give me the opportunity to speak into their lives.
- Jillian Thornton, BSN, RN, Middle School

My favorite part of working in Union is building positive relationships with students and colleagues.
- Jasmyn Tucker, SPED Teacher, Union High School

I enjoy seeing the kids grow and learn to read and write.
- Theresa Wilmesher, 1st Grade Teacher, Beaufort Elementary

I enjoy being a small part of my student's journey in life. I absolutely love when former students come to revisit me.
- Katie Hoffman, 1st Grade Teacher, Central Elementary

I am proud of getting my therapy dog certificate.
- Daisy Mae, Therapy Dog, Prairie Dell Elementary

My favorite part of working in the Middle School is being able to see my 7th Graders' distinct developmental stages and how they appreciate silly humor.
- Katie Juergens, Math Teacher, UMS

I most enjoy helping students achieve their potential and to provide support to help them make their way in life.
- Josh Roehrs, Agriculture Teacher/FFA Advisor, UHS

I love seeing the AH HA moments and seeing students overcome challenges they are faced with.
- Rae Pecka, Paraprofessional, Beaufort Elementary

I most enjoy working in a school because of all the relationships I get to build with our students.
- Heather Kriete, Administrative Asst., Central Elementary

The lightbulb moment when the kids get it! Also, those coworkers that make the day so fun when the days get hard.
- Natalie Voss, Paraprofessional, Prairie Dell Elementary

I love helping students to be successful and learn new skills.
- Angie Smallwood, SPED Teacher, UMS

I love to see the gratification students experience once they have mastered a challenging concept.
- Penny Perriguey, Chemistry Teacher, UHS

I love when students achieve a goal or learn something new and are so eager and excited about their hard work paying off.
- Erin Unerstall, 2nd Grade Teacher, Beaufort Elementary

My absolute favorite part about being a teacher at UHS is the staff and having something new to experience each day with my students.
- Jackie Drury, Math Teacher, UHS

I love seeing the big and small accomplishments of my students!
- Sam Richardson, SPED Teacher, Central Elementary

I love having a community of people who are always there to help and to bounce ideas off of.
- Molly Unerstall, 1st Grade Teacher, Prairie Dell Elementary

What I enjoy most is watching kids go from not knowing what they don't know to thriving in everything they do.
- Johnathan Daniels, Asst. Band Dir., UMS/UHS

I enjoy getting to know the kids, and I really love the ah-ha moments when they learn something new.
- Dawn Homer, SPED Para, Beaufort Elementary

My absolute favorite part about being a teacher at UHS is the privilege I have of getting to know so many of our wonderful kiddos.
- Ian Crane, Spanish Teacher, UHS

I enjoy partnering with teachers to ensure that each student is successful in their classroom.
- Jamie Aholt, Elementary Instructional Coach

I love seeing my students gain confidence and maturity!
- Gabi Long, SPED Teacher, Central Elementary