Health Related Board Policies
Medication Administration at School (Parent Information)
Permission Form to Administer Student Medications
Permission Form to Self Carry OTC Medications
Student Allergy Prevention and Response (Allergy Action Plan)
Student Allergy Prevention and Response (Student Requiring Special Meals)
Student Allergy Prevention and Response (Epinephrine Medication Self-Administration)
Student Allergy Prevention and Response (Epinephrine Student Skills Checklist)
Health Services Handbook
Director of Health Education Services
Kristi Gerling BSN, RN, NCSN
636-584-0157 ext 1320
Fax: 636-584-7659
Beaufort Elementary (636-583-7744)
Leisha Sitzes, LPN (ext 2004)
Fax: 583-484-4175
Office Hours: 7:15-3:30
Central Elementary (636-583-3152)
Nicole Huff, LPN (ext 2205)
Melinda Gerstner, RN, BSN (ext 2215)
Fax: 636-583-8173
Office Hours: 7:15-3:15
Prairie Dell Elementary (636-583-1200)
Elizabeth Piontek, RN, BSN, NCSN (ext 1315)
Fax: 636-583-8517
Office Hours: 7:15-3:15
Union Middle School (636-583-5855)
Jillian Thornton, RN, BSN (ext 1506)
Fax: 636-583-6153
Office Hours: 7:30-3:30
Union High School (636-583-2513)
Kate Mills, RN BSN (ext 1724)
Sherry Gay, Health Aid (ext 1709)
Fax: 636-583-4203
Office Hours: 7:30-3:30
Health Services

Please contact the School for referrals to these programs:
Crider Health Center 636-583-1800
Partnership with Families (PWF) Uses a strength-based wrap-around approach to serve our students with serious emotional disorders and their families
School Based Mental Health: Places a school based mental health specialist in our schools to work with students that have mental health or behavioral issues
School Based Therapy: Places a therapist in our schools to provide individual therapy to the highest need students
National Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse 636-239-7652
Prevention services: Array of prevention programs available to our students as needed
Preferred Family Healthcare 636-584-8724
Team of Concern: The team helps assess our schools need for prevention programming and develops and implements the prevention programming for our school. In addition, a Care Coordinator is assigned to our school and works with students identified as high risk of becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol and/or current users of drugs and alcohol
ARTC: Achieving Recovery Through Creativity (ARTC) is an art therapy program that works with the creativity of high needs students to help them work through their emotional illness
Please contact the agencies directly for the following programs:
ALIVE 636-583-9863
Children’s Treatment Program: Provides counseling for our students who are identified as being victims (directly or indirectly) of domestic violence
CHADS Coalition (Communities Healing Adolescent Depression and Suicide) 314-952-8274
Crisis Care: Support for families suffering from depression and other mental illnesses
Grace’s Place 636-432-1313
Crisis Care: Provides 24 hour emergency/respite care to children up to 12 years old for up to 5 days
NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) 636-940-7440 or
Family Education Programs: Classes provided to families of mentally ill students to educate them about mental illness. Also provided is an upcoming Mental Health First Aid Training Program (call for details)
Lutheran Family Services 1-866-326-5327
Counseling Services: Provides counseling and therapy services
Catholic Family Services 636-583-1800
Counseling Services: Provides counseling and therapy services
Psychiatric Services
Anger Management groups: for adolescents ages 9-17
Love & Logic Parenting groups
Behavioral Health Response (BHR) 1-800-811-4760
24/7 access to mental health professional and crisis services
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention